Megxit, Brexit and Difficult Exits

Megxit, Brexit and Difficult Exits

By all accounts Europe took it rather personally following the referendum Brexit result. Megxit (if you believe the tabloids) has upset the apple cart even further.

With Downing Street and Buckingham Palace having their hands full with difficult exit talks, it provides those of us trying to simply navigate our own businesses with the reassurance that even those at the top of the food chain and with the world’s best advisers at their disposal, exit talks can be a struggle.

Whether you are a Fortune 500 company, or a small business with just 1 employee, difficult exits come down to the same fundamental principle, an awkward conversation to end an awkward situation and hope everyone ends up not too bruised at the end.

As Brits, we are often terrible at handling awkward situations. We are, however, very good at being awkward. Ever hidden from your neighbour in the supermarket? Decided to not ask someone to repeat themselves a third time and live forever in ignorance as a preference? Looking at the phone while it rings with an unrecognised number, and then wondering who it was?

It is part of being wonderfully British that makes us exceptional at small talk while queuing and managing awkward social situations.

However, when it comes to an awkward or difficult situation at work often we are prepared to let something fester rather than address it head on. Stiff upper lip and all that.

The Queen demonstrated fantastically last week the concept of ‘grasping the nettle’ with a true Britishness of ‘let’s just get it done’ in time for a cup of tea. Hoorah.

So, how should we deal with difficult exits at work? The key is often to understand not necessarily what everyone wants, but what can be achieved for everyone involved so they feel they have had a ‘win’.

That they might not have got everything they want, but they feel their pride is intact and they can walk away feeling like they have had some control over the situation.

Effective HR input, backed by solid legal advice, is essential to ensure that matters stay on track. Where personal relationships have got in the way at work, outsourced HR can help instil trust and prevent discussions from going round in circles.

By Elissa Thursfield, Director of HR Anchor