The Proud Finishers
HR Anchor sponsored the Abersoch 10K race, which took place on 3rd June this year. 2023 is the second time HR Anchor has been the headline sponsor for the run. The event saw many participants from HR Anchor and sister company Gamlins Law, both based in Morfa Hall, Rhyl, including Megan Bell, Georgia Tew, Victoria Panagakis, Sion Jones and Miriam Rhodes-Leader. The weather was fantastic on the day but the course was gruelling, with a very hilly terrain and soft sand at the end that made it incredibly difficult for the runners.
Managing Director of HR Anchor and Gamlins Law, Ron Davison, comments “We were proud to be associated with an event that promotes health and fitness for both mind and body.” Speaking after the event, he said “We believe it’s important for our employees to have a healthy work-life balance, and participating in events like this helps us to support both their physical and mental well-being. It’s also a great way to bring the team together.”

The calm before the run
The race saw 575 finishers, spectators lined the streets for the first kilometre, which really gave the runners a boost for the start of the race, later along the course, spectators were on hand with hosepipes offering a welcome cool down to the passing runners. All participants from HR Anchor and Gamlims Law showed incredible determination and endurance throughout the race, with Georgia and Megan completing their first-ever 10K and Victoria achieving a personal best time, managing to beat the clock at just under 1hr. The gruelling course which includes ‘Tocyn Brutal’, soft sand and hurdling over groyns to the finish line didn’t stop our tenacious team, as they kept pushing forward to reach the finish line. Overall, the Abersoch 10K race was a fantastic event that brought together the community and promoted health and well-being. Ron concluded “We had a great time and it’s always good to support events like this that have a positive impact on the community and our employees”.

Victoria Finishes

Miriam Finishes

Sion Finishes

Georgia Finishes

Megan Finishes